Glenn Beck Talks with Author David Pietrusza on GBTV about his New Book “1948: Harry Truman’s Improbable Victory, The Year That Transformed America”
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The Progressive Party
David Pietrusza refers to 1948 as the “second progressive era.” If you recall, 1948 was the year of the communist trials, a war to win over the Democratic Party, a post-war America that is becoming more conservative, but at the same time, there are representatives in the Democratic Party that do not want it to be that way. In addition, 1948 brings Nixon on the scene, the Cold War, the reinstitution of the draft, and the Marshall Plan.
By this time in history there is a new party emerging – the Progressive Party – which is a party that emerges to work against Truman for not getting along with Stalin. The famous saying, “We love him for the enemies he makes,” ends up gaining Truman both the black vote and the Catholic vote in the north and attacks the “do-nothing Congress,” winning Truman the vote again, even though Truman only had a 32 percent approval rating.
Obama is the New Truman
According to Glenn Beck, Obama is this era’s Harry Truman. In the last election, a fight for the soul of the Democratic Party reared again with the nomination and election of Barack Obama. The Progressive Party activist that year was Frank Marshall Davis in Chicago, who was also a mentor to Obama in Hawaii. Frank Marshall Davis’ role in 1948 would have been the backing of civil rights in the south.
The Author’s Point
What David Pietrusza wants you to take away from 1948: Harry Truman’s Improbable Victory, The Year That Transformed America is that it is not over until it is over and do not try to fight people that are determined to hold on to power.
Glenn Beck’s GBTV interview with David Pietrusza leaves an American nation wondering if the Republicans have learned the lessons that the author is pointing out in the book. Beck chimes in by saying that he does not believe they have learned their lessons at all.
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