Friday, March 30, 2012

Kirk Cameron's "Monumental" On GBTV w/ Glenn Beck & Stephen McDowell's "In God We Trust Tour Guide"

Kirk Cameron's "Monumental" On GBTV w/ Glenn Beck & Stephen McDowell's "In God We Trust Tour Guide"


Today during GBTV Glenn Beck talked about Kirk Cameron's movie Monumental and talked about "God" in American history and early American monuments and sites. During the show Glenn had on guest Stephen McDowell, President of the Providence Foundation’s Biblical Worldview University, who wrote a great book, if you ever go to Washington D.C., In God We Trust Tour Guide. America's historic sites reveal our Christian foundations! This fascinating guide will take you to America's great historical sites and uncover the stories of their Christian foundations. Includes such sites as: Washington, D.C., Mt. Vernon, Philadelphia, Jamestown, Williamsburg, Charlottesville, and more. Examines the faith of: Washington, Patrick Henry, Jefferson, Madison, George Mason, and others. Excellent as a guide for those visiting these sites, but also enjoyable for anyone interested in learning of the Christians foundations of America. (

Video from GBTV to come shortly...

Click Here for more about the book In God We Trust Tour Guide

For more about Monumental go to

In over 26 years of full-time work with the Foundation, Stephen has trained many thousands of people from every U.S. state and over 100 countries. He has traveled to 30 nations in six continents where he has consulted with government officials, assisted in writing political documents, advised political parties, and started Christian schools and Biblical worldview training centers. He has authored and co-authored over 20 books, videos, and training courses including Liberating the Nations and In God We Trust Tour Guide. McDowell holds a master’s degree in geophysics, served for several years as a pastor, and has been an adjunct professor at Regent University.


Thursday, March 29, 2012

FINALLY! A Barack Obama Movie Based on "The Roots of Obama's Rage" by Dinesh D'Souza, Called "2016"

FINALLY! A Barack Obama Movie Based on "The Roots of Obama's Rage" by Dinesh D'Souza, Called "2016"

GO TO: for more including the CPAC video!!!

No doubt that Hollywood is LIBERAL and that there are more closet conservatives in Hollywood then closet gays in Utah. BUT! Finally a movie coming out of Hollywood that needs to be made based on Dinesh D'Souza's "The Roots of Obama's Rage." And this movie will be produced by a mega-producer Gerald R. Molen. As originally reported on by, Molen, Spielberg’s co-producer, promises "that like D'Souza's book, the film will take viewers deep into the heart and mind of our president, a leader he contends is unique in the course of our nation’s history because of his far-left radical views." The trailer for "2016" was shown at CPAC. Watch, below, D'Souza's speech and the trailer for "2016".

Click Here for D'Souza's Book The Roots of Obama's Rage

Dinesh D'Souza has been a guest on Glenn Beck's radio show and GBTV multiple times and his book is, perhaps, the mist insightful and correct book about President Barack Obama out there! Watch an appearance by D'Souza on GBTV below. Gerald Molen has worked on movies like "Schindler’s List," "Rainman," "Minority Report," and "Jurassic Park. Watch for "2016" to be released this summer, GO SEE IT! SUPPORT IT!

GO TO: for more including the CPAC video!!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Glenn Beck Shows Off the Next Mercury Ink Book by Paul Kengor "THE COMMUNIST Frank Marshall Davis: The Untold Story of Barack Obama's Mentor" during GBTV

Glenn Beck Shows Off the Next Mercury Ink Book by Paul Kengor "THE COMMUNIST Frank Marshall Davis: The Untold Story of Barack Obama's Mentor" during GBTV

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On March 27th Glenn Beck was talking about President Obama's open mic situation in Russia and took the time to introduce the next book under his Mercury Ink book label by Paul Kengor THE COMMUNIST, Frank Marshall Davis: The Untold Story of Barack Obama's Mentor. And it looks interesting. Amazingly information regarding the communist Frank Marshall Davis is being scrubbed from the internet and history since he played a pivotal roll in Barack Obama's past and has a very shady history himself. Watch the video below, and make sure you subscribe to our YouTube Channel!

Click here for other books by Paul Kengor


GO TO: for more info about Frank Marshall Davis and Paul Kengor

Thursday, March 22, 2012

George Orwell's 1984 Classic Book To Get "Hope and Change" Treatment in Hollywood, a Glenn Beck Favorite

George Orwell's 1984 Classic Book To Get "Hope and Change" Treatment in Hollywood, a Glenn Beck Favorite

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Glenn Beck has been touting two books, A Brave New World and 1984, heavily over the last weeks as a direction we are heading. While the two have been made into movies both on the big screen as well as for TV, the later, 1984 is about to be, in the words of Barack Obama, "Re-made"! Normally this wouldn't be as big of news especially on but considering that Shepard Fairey, the propaganda artist best known for doing the Barack Obama "Hope" poster pushed to have the propaganda thick flick done in conjunction with Imagine and LBI we thought you would want to know!

As reported by The Hollywood Reporter, Fairey, Ron Howard and Brian Grazer at Imagine Entertainment approached the Orwell estate for the rights to 1984. As they were pushing for the rights they discovered that Julie Yorn of LBI Entertainment was also seeking the coveted story. So the 4 joined forces. The most recent adaptation was the version starring John Hurt done in the year, yep you guessed it, 1984! It is a unique telling and certainly rated R but enjoy the 1954 British version below starring, Star Wars favorite, Peter Cushing and Donald Pleasence.

It will be interesting to see the direction this film will go especially with Fairey taking on a producer positi0n within the film.

Click here for the 1984 book

Click here for the Brave New World book


1956 BBC Broadcast of 1984

Aldous Huxley, author of Brave New World, interview 1958

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Monday, March 19, 2012

DOWNLOAD! Barack Obama's "The Road We've Traveled" is Stuart Chase's Fabian Book "The Road We Are Traveling"

DOWNLOAD! Barack Obama's "The Road We've Traveled" is Stuart Chase's Fabian Book "The Road We Are Traveling"

READ More At & Download the Book

Over the years (since 2008) Glenn Beck has briefly talked about a Fabian Society favorite book called The Road We Are Traveling by a Woodrow Wilson favorite, Stuart Chase. And President Barack Obama's propaganda film by Davis Guggenheim and narrated by Tom hanks promoting his first 3 years in office titled The Road We've Traveled is eerily similar to Chase's progressive/socialist/Fabian road map. Stuart Chase was commissioned by The Twentieth Century Fund to research more about postwar America and his findings were titled, "When The War Ends," and these books appeared between 1942 and 1943 and The Road We Are Traveling is one found within the series.

You can still find rare copies of The Road We Are Traveling, CLICK HERE

Go To for a FREE download of The Road We are Traveling by Stuart Chase

Here are the 13 steps toward REMAKING America from Stuart Chase:

1. Strong, centralized government.
2. Powerful Executive at the expense of Congress and the Judicial.
3. Government controlled banking, credit and securities exchange.
4. Government control over employment.
5. Unemployment insurance, old age pensions.
6. Universal medical care, food and housing programs.
7. Access to unlimited government borrowing.

8. A government managed monetary system.
9. Government control over all foreign trade.
10. Government control over natural energy sources, transportation and agricultural production.
11. Government regulation of labor.
12. Youth camps devoted to health discipline, community service and ideological teaching consistent with those of the authorities.
13. Heavy progressive taxation and hidden taxes on nations wealth.

Here is Glenn Beck's Summary of Who Stuart Chase is from October 2010:

GLENN: In a book called When the War Ends. The Road We Are Traveling, 1914 1942. Stuart Chase wrote this, free enterprise into X. He said many more studies will be needed before the mystery is cleared up, but we have something called X which is displacing the system of free enterprise all over the world. We don’t know yet what to call it. We can describe its major characteristics.

Got it? He said there’s something called X. We could call it communism, we could call it fascism, we could call it state capitalism. But he said we don’t really know what it is. But here are the things that are going on. Free enterprise into X. First one, a strong centralized government; two, executive arm growing at the expense of the legislative and judicial arms; three, the control of government bank or banking, credit and security exchanges by the government; four, the underwriting of employment by the government, either through armaments or public works; five, the underwriting of Social Security by the government, old age pensions, mothers pensions, unemployment insurance and the like; six, the underwriting of good housing and medical care by the government; seven, the use of deficit spending technique to finance these underwritings.

Let me say that again: Seven, the use of deficit spending techniques to finance these underwritings. This was new in 1942. The annually balanced budget has lost its old time sanctity. Eight, the abandonment of gold in favor of managed currencies; nine, the control of foreign trade by the government with increased emphasis on bilateral agreements and barter deals; ten, the control of natural resources with increasing emphasis on self sufficiency; eleven, the control of energy sources, hydroelectric power, coal, petroleum, and natural gas; twelve, the control of transportation, railway, highway, airway, waterway; thirteen, the control of agricultural production; fourteen, the control of labor organizations, often to the point of prohibiting strikes; fifteen, the enlistment of young men and women in youth corps defeated to health, discipline, community service, and ideologies consistent with those in authority; sixteen, heavy taxation with special emphasis on the estates and incomes of the rich; seventeen, not much taking over of property or industries in the old socialistic sense, but the formula appears to be control without ownership.

Let me say this again: Not much taking over of properties or industries in the old socialistic sense. This is written in 1942. The formula appears to be control without ownership. It is interesting to recall the same formula was used by the management of the great corporations in depriving stockholders of power. And 18, state control of communications and propaganda.

So who is Stuart Chase, who wrote this and said, something is afoot and it’s going to change the free market enterprise, and this is the sign of state capitalism, fascism, or communism, but we’ll just call it X. Who was he? Well, you probably have never heard of this book. You’ve probably never even heard of his name, but he was a Fabian Socialist. He was a member of the...


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Glenn Beck Talks to Deneen Borelli on GBTV re. Her Book "Blacklash: How Obama and the Left Are Driving Americans to the Government Plantation" and Rev. C.L. Bryant, "Run Away Slave" Movie

For more info go to:

Today Glenn Beck had a great in depth conversation with Deneen Borelli on GBTV regarding her book Blacklash: How Obama and the Left Are Driving Americans to the Government Plantation. He also talked with Reverend C.L. Bryant, about his movie called Run Away Slave. All three had great dialogue about being a black conservative today and what it takes to leave behind the attitudes that still keep black American's in the "Government Plantation" of being told who they must vote for and that they must settle for being dependent upon the Government for everything. Watch the video below (on 3/15).

Click Here for Blacklash: How Obama and the Left Are Driving Americans to the Government Plantation

Click Here to watch Run Away Slave

“I’m conservative. I believe in the power of the individual. I’m a freethinker, and I love my country. Yes, I’m also black, but that fact has nothing to do with my belief in limited government. I don’t like President Barack Obama’s progressive policies and his administration’s spending habits. But some people apparently think that my economic concerns shouldn’t supersede my racial allegiance.
“Nobody wants to be told they’re racist simply because they are too conservative to buy into Obama’s policies. People are too nervous to speak out, so I’m speaking out for them. We need change. We really do. We just can’t afford the kind that Obama and the Washington elites are currently advocating.”
—Deneen Borelli


This country is at a crossroads. We can either reverse direction or nosedive into a cycle of dependency that is...

For more info go to:

Monday, March 5, 2012

Glenn Beck Talks About Charles Murray's Book "COMING APART: The State of White America, 1960-2010"

Glenn Beck Talks About Charles Murray's Book "COMING APART: The State of White America, 1960-2010"

Go To for more!

Today Glenn Beck talked about a new book he is reading called COMING APART: The State of White America, 1960-2010. During Glenn's conversation he mentioned how in the 1960's only 8% of the population had a college degree. But today we have more "educated" people then ever before and that today there is a call for "scientists" to run for office. Time to do away with religious politicians, so they can create laws based on science no God...Doesn't this remind you of Philip Dru: Administrator???? Watch the entire video below.

Click here for more information regarding COMING APART: The State of White America, 1960-2010

From the bestselling author of Losing Ground and The Bell Curve, this startling long-lens view shows how America is coming apart at the seams that historically have joined our classes.

In Coming Apart, Charles Murray explores the formation of American classes that are different in kind from anything we have ever known, focusing on whites as a way of driving home the fact that the trends he describes do not break along lines of race or ethnicity.

Drawing on five decades of statistics and research, Coming Apart demonstrates that

Sunday, March 4, 2012

GLENN BECK's Next Book is... "Cowards: What Politicians, Radicals, and the Media Refuse to Say" Coming June 12, 2012

GLENN BECK's Next Book is... "Cowards: What Politicians, Radicals, and the Media Refuse to Say" Coming June 12, 2012

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Just revealed! Glenn Beck's next book will be called Cowards: What Politicians, Radicals, and the Media Refuse to Say. This is probably the book Glenn mentioned when he introduced the Mercury Arts (mercury Ink?) projects for 2012 (see the video below). One book that was introduced is about President Obama's mentor, a communist, named Frank Marshall Davis. Also, Glenn has mentioned a few times that his next book will include lots about George Soros. Both George and Frank would count as "Radicals," and the media certainly loves them both. "Cowards" will be out on June 12, 2012. This book will have 336 pages and Kevin Balfe, Senior VP of Publishing, Mercury Radio Arts, is listed as a co-author.

CLICK HERE TO PRE-ORDER Cowards: What Politicians, Radicals, and the Media Refuse to Say and be guaranteed the cheapest price...


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Pastor James Robison Fills in for Glenn Beck on GBTV & Discusses His Book "Indivisible: Restoring Faith, Family, and Freedom Before It's Too Late" w/ Co-Author Jay Richards

Pastor James Robison Fills in for Glenn Beck on GBTV & Discusses His Book "Indivisible: Restoring Faith, Family, and Freedom Before It's Too Late" w/ Co-Author Jay Richards


Pastor James Robison filled in for Glenn Beck on GBTV and discussed his new book Indivisible: Restoring Faith, Family, and Freedom Before It's Too Late. In addition to his own book he spoke in depth about Glenn's latest book Being George Washington. During the show James Robison had on his co-author Jay W. Richards. This was a very unique show considering it was hosted by an Evangelical, with a Catholic guest on a Mormon's TV show. They also had on the show Rick Renner, an Evangelical Pastor and Author from Russia and Buddy Pilgrim. See all the of the books listed below and watch the videos of part 1 and 2 below...

Click here for Indivisible: Restoring Faith, Family, and Freedom Before It's Too Late

Click here for Being George Washington: The Indispensable Man, as You've Never Seen Him

Click here for Dressed to Kill by Rick Renner

Click here for A Light in Darkness by Rick Renner

James Robison is the founder and president of LIFE Outreach International, a worldwide Christian relief organization. He is also the host of LIFE Today, a daily syndicated television program that reaches 300 million homes in the U.S., Canada, Europe, and Australia. He is the author of many books, including The Absolutes, True Prosperity, and Living in Love, and has spoken to millions of people through evangelistic crusades since entering public ministry in 1962.

Jay W. Richards, Ph.D., is a Senior Fellow at the Discovery Institute and the author of many books, including the award-winning Money, Greed, and God and The Privileged Planet. He is the executive director of the documentaries The Call of the Entrepreneur and The Birth of Freedom. He has been featured in the New York Times and the Washington Post and has appeared on Larry King Live. He has also lectured on economic myths to members of the U.S. Congress.

Many books have been written on conservative politics. Many more have been written calling Christians to holiness and spiritual revival. Few, however, have managed to combine a clear explanation of the conservative political perspective with its corresponding personal and spiritual virtue.

In INDIVISIBLE, James Robison, the founder and president of LIFE Outreach International, partners with Jay Richards, Ph.D., a writer who has appeared in both the New York Times and The Washington Post. Together, they tackle tough, controversial political issues facing conservative Christians today, including abortion, stem cell research, education, economics, health care, the environment, judicial activism, marriage, and others. Written to appeal to a broad spectrum of believers, INDIVISIBLE not only argues political questions from a Scriptural standpoint, it also provides simple arguments that Christians can use to support their beliefs in public settings.

Most significantly, Robison and Richards recognize that the point of origin for spiritual and moral transformation is the individual. "We are convinced by historical precedent that long term cultural change requires not merely sound thinking and public good works but rather, God's spiritual and moral transformation of us as individuals, which will then transform our churches, our communities, our culture, and ultimately our politics." (