DOWNLOAD! Barack Obama's "The Road We've Traveled" is Stuart Chase's Fabian Book "The Road We Are Traveling"
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Over the years (since 2008) Glenn Beck has briefly talked about a Fabian Society favorite book called
The Road We Are Traveling by a Woodrow Wilson favorite, Stuart Chase. And President Barack Obama's propaganda film by Davis Guggenheim and narrated by Tom hanks promoting his first 3 years in office titled
The Road We've Traveled is eerily similar to Chase's progressive/socialist/Fabian road map. Stuart Chase was commissioned by The Twentieth Century Fund to research more about postwar America and his findings were titled, "When The War Ends," and these books appeared between 1942 and 1943 and The Road We Are Traveling is one found within the series.
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The Road We Are Traveling, CLICK HERE
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The Road We are Traveling by Stuart Chase
Here are the 13 steps toward REMAKING America from Stuart Chase:
1. Strong, centralized government.
2. Powerful Executive at the expense of Congress and the Judicial.
3. Government controlled banking, credit and securities exchange.
4. Government control over employment.
5. Unemployment insurance, old age pensions.
6. Universal medical care, food and housing programs.
7. Access to unlimited government borrowing.
8. A government managed monetary system.
9. Government control over all foreign trade.
10. Government control over natural energy sources, transportation and agricultural production.
11. Government regulation of labor.
12. Youth camps devoted to health discipline, community service and ideological teaching consistent with those of the authorities.
13. Heavy progressive taxation and hidden taxes on nations wealth.
Here is Glenn Beck's Summary of Who Stuart Chase is from October 2010:
GLENN: In a book called When the War Ends. The Road We Are Traveling, 1914 1942. Stuart Chase wrote this, free enterprise into X. He said many more studies will be needed before the mystery is cleared up, but we have something called X which is displacing the system of free enterprise all over the world. We don’t know yet what to call it. We can describe its major characteristics.
Got it? He said there’s something called X. We could call it communism, we could call it fascism, we could call it state capitalism. But he said we don’t really know what it is. But here are the things that are going on. Free enterprise into X. First one, a strong centralized government; two, executive arm growing at the expense of the legislative and judicial arms; three, the control of government bank or banking, credit and security exchanges by the government; four, the underwriting of employment by the government, either through armaments or public works; five, the underwriting of Social Security by the government, old age pensions, mothers pensions, unemployment insurance and the like; six, the underwriting of good housing and medical care by the government; seven, the use of deficit spending technique to finance these underwritings.
Let me say that again: Seven, the use of deficit spending techniques to finance these underwritings. This was new in 1942. The annually balanced budget has lost its old time sanctity. Eight, the abandonment of gold in favor of managed currencies; nine, the control of foreign trade by the government with increased emphasis on bilateral agreements and barter deals; ten, the control of natural resources with increasing emphasis on self sufficiency; eleven, the control of energy sources, hydroelectric power, coal, petroleum, and natural gas; twelve, the control of transportation, railway, highway, airway, waterway; thirteen, the control of agricultural production; fourteen, the control of labor organizations, often to the point of prohibiting strikes; fifteen, the enlistment of young men and women in youth corps defeated to health, discipline, community service, and ideologies consistent with those in authority; sixteen, heavy taxation with special emphasis on the estates and incomes of the rich; seventeen, not much taking over of property or industries in the old socialistic sense, but the formula appears to be control without ownership.
Let me say this again: Not much taking over of properties or industries in the old socialistic sense. This is written in 1942. The formula appears to be control without ownership. It is interesting to recall the same formula was used by the management of the great corporations in depriving stockholders of power. And 18, state control of communications and propaganda.
So who is Stuart Chase, who wrote this and said, something is afoot and it’s going to change the free market enterprise, and this is the sign of state capitalism, fascism, or communism, but we’ll just call it X. Who was he? Well, you probably have never heard of this book. You’ve probably never even heard of his name, but he was a Fabian Socialist. He was a member of the...