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Click Here for Blacklash: How Obama and the Left Are Driving Americans to the Government Plantation
Click Here to watch Run Away Slave
“I’m conservative. I believe in the power of the individual. I’m a freethinker, and I love my country. Yes, I’m also black, but that fact has nothing to do with my belief in limited government. I don’t like President Barack Obama’s progressive policies and his administration’s spending habits. But some people apparently think that my economic concerns shouldn’t supersede my racial allegiance.
“Nobody wants to be told they’re racist simply because they are too conservative to buy into Obama’s policies. People are too nervous to speak out, so I’m speaking out for them. We need change. We really do. We just can’t afford the kind that Obama and the Washington elites are currently advocating.”
—Deneen Borelli
This country is at a crossroads. We can either reverse direction or nosedive into a cycle of dependency that is...
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